Called the framework of the body the Skeletal System is what supports and holds up the the body. The bones can be split into two different catagories: Axial Skeleton and Appendicular Skeleton. The Axial Skeleton is the bones of the skull the vertebral column also know as the spine and the rib cage. The Appendicular Skeleton is the bones of the upper and lower limbs the shoulders, and hips. The bones can also be classified by the different shapes they can be in. The first type is the long bones. These bones are longer than wide and example of these bones would be the Humerus or Femur. The opposite of the long bones would of course be the short bones. These bones are cube shaped and are on the wrist and ankle. These bones usually from within the tendons for example the patella and the trapezoid. Flat bones are of course thin and flattened and a bit curved for example the sternum and most skull bones. The last type of bone is Irregular Bones and these bones live up to their name by being oddly shapped like the vertebrae and hip bones.
Function of Bones
Bones have many important functions to making sure the body is up and running. Bones are the support of the body and are the framework of the body and support the soft organs. They also help to protect the brain, spinal cord, and vital organs. They also help for movement of the body and provide levers for the muscles. The bones also are a storage systom for minerals, mostly for calcium and phosphorus. The last function of the bones is the formation of the blood cells.
Bone Fractures
Bone fractures are classified by the position of the bone ends after the break, the completeness of the break, orentation of the bone on the long axis, and whether or not the bone penetrates the skin.There are multiple types of bone fractures. Nondisplaced fractures are when the bone retains its normal position. A complete break is when the bone is broken all the way through. Mostly common in sports, a spiral break is when the bone is excessively twisted. The most common injury among children is the greestick fracture and it occurs when one side of the bone breaks and the other side bends.
This picture shows a complete break,and as you can see the fracture has taken place throughout the entire bone.
This picture shows an greenstick fracture. As you can see the one side of the bone breaks as the other side bends.
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